Silk Peel


At Heritage Way Medical Spa Burlington is the latest technology in topical skin care. The diamond tip is used to precisely remove a specific amount of the top dead skin layer (stratum corneum) and special infusions, tailored to treat a patient’s given skin problem(s), are applied within the same treatment.

Whether you are having problems with acne or desire a deep hydration treatment, our topical cosmeceutical preparations (applied at the same time) can help resolve your skin issues and stimulate the growth of new healthy cells.

Typically, topical solutions are blocked from entering the skin by the top layer of tissue, preventing full effectiveness. By first removing this barrier layer, an infusion of collagen stimulating preparations can directly enter the tissues. Used together, we can now offer unprecedented combinations of treatments to help you look your very best!

SilkPeel® is the most dynamic skin treatment available today. It is in the only procedure featuring Dermalinfusion™, the non-invasive exfoliation and delivery of skin-specific solutions, leaving patients with fresher-feeling and better-looking skin. SilkPeel is safe and painless, allowing patients to achieve optimum results on an accelerated basis without the complications and discomfort usually associated with invasive procedures. In addition, SilkPeel is unique because it does not use crystals or other abrasive particles that can irritate the skin.

At Heritage Way Medical Spa Burlington, we always suggest combining other treatments for best results. Several factors may influence the decision to which treatment is selected.  Factors such as cost, time, convenience, skin type and previous treatments are all important. To make sure our treatments address your individual concerns, all treatments begin with a consultation. We are a results-led clinic and your treatment coordinator will recommend an individual treatment protocol to meet your needs. Come in for a complimentary consultation with one of our Advanced Medical Aesthetician to see how we can enhance your beauty with SilkPeel Treatments at Heritage Way Medical Spa Burlington.
Call us today at 905-332-1590.

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