Post procedure care: Injectables
Taking care of your skin after an injectable treatment is crucial to ensure proper healing and achieve optimal results. The post-procedure care is minimal and will not be an inconvenience.
Dermal Filler After care
- Swelling and bruising after injectable fillers is normal and temporary, resolving within 2 weeks
- To minimize bruising, take Arnica tablets 24 hours prior to treatment and apply an ice pack after treatment
- Initial swelling in the lip area may last up to 2 weeks, causing some unevenness but this is not the final result
- If prone to cold sores around the mouth, request a doctor to prescribe an antiviral medication before and after treatment
- Active outbreaks will not be injected.
Do's | Don'ts |
Neuromodulators (Botox) After care
- Any injection into the skin may cause bruising, swelling, and redness. The redness should subside within an hour.
- Avoid touching the treated area or applying any products for 12 hours after treatment. After that, you may apply light makeup and resume your skincare routine.
- Results usually begin to show after 5-7 days, with maximum effect appearing at two weeks.
- The effect of Botox typically lasts 3-4 months but may be shorter depending on your lifestyle.
- Factors that may impact the longevity of the effect include sun exposure, smoking, alcohol consumption, a high metabolism, exercise, antibiotics, the frequency of injections, and stress.
- In some cases, a follow-up appointment is required to address persistent wrinkles. This follow-up is typically done within 2-4 weeks and will not be offered after 4 weeks.
Do's | Don'ts |
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